Working at Height

Course Overview
The consequences of falling from a height can be serious, so it's essential employees know how to assess and control the risks. This highly interactive course spells out the principles of Avoid, Prevent, and Minimise risks associated with working at height.
It explains the learner's responsibilities, providing an interactive Working at Heights task risk assessment for their use. It also covers best practice on using ladders and stepladders including inspection, set up and carrying out tasks safely.
Key Learning Points:
- Meaning of working at heights
- Techniques required when working at heights
- Safety procedure to help when working at height
- Set up ladder and all required equipment safely
- Understand risks of working at height
- Use 'Avoid, prevent or minimise' strategy when necessary
Course Outcomes:
- Understand the meaning of working at heights
- dentify risks associated with working at heights
- Know how to keep working at heights to a minimum
- Employ 'Avoid, Prevent, Minimise' strategy to reduce the risks when working at heights
- Identify safeguards to prevent and minimise falls
- Understand the technique required in setting up a ladder properly to avoid injuries
Target Audience
All employees who work at heights