Blockchain Development Platforms for Business

Welcome to our 'Blockchain Development Platforms for Business' course.
This course will explain the purpose and utility of blockchain development platforms, exploring in greater detail the factors a business should consider when choosing which platform to develop upon.
The successful completion of Blockchain for Business 101 is a pre-requisite for this course.
Upon successful completion of this course, you'll be able to confidently communicate the relative merits of different blockchain development platforms to clients, colleagues and friends.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon course completion, employees will gain a full and clear understanding of:
- What is a blockchain development platform?
- The factors to consider when choosing a blockchain development platform
- HyperLedger Fabric
- IBM Blockchain
- Syscoin development platform
- Syscoin decentralised marketplaces
- Syscoin identities
- Syscoin arbitrated escrow
- Z-DAG technology
- Customisable digital tokens & assets