VUCA (Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) – This term is used to describe the environment of constant, unpredictable change that many businesses are working in. This atmosphere requires a different style of leadership to the traditional and a fresh outlook to engaging and empowering others is needed. It also requires us to consider how we make decisions, solve problems, plan, adapt and manage risks.
This VUCA e-learning course sets out to equip learners with all the skills and knowledge they need to effectively work in uncertain environments, while providing the key tools to manage and control business outputs. Its aim is to help the learner manage and control what they can and adapt to experiences that they can’t.
Outline Learning Objectives:
- Build the skills required to work in a VUCA environment
- Understand and manage your own needs when things are ambiguous
- Adapt your leadership style to support others in uncertain times
Although predominantly aimed at leaders and managers, this course could suit people in a variety of roles.