Managing a Team

To be a successful manager, you have to wear many hats. You have to be a leader and a coach; you have to discipline people and motivate them.
There are many average managers in the world because they fail to understand and master the wide range of skills you need to become a great one. This module will give learners the core skills they need to manage their team and lead them to outstanding results.
Outline Learning Objectives:
- Identify key management activities such as: delegating, motivating, organising, developing and communicating effectively
- Establish why recruitment is important and how a competency based interview can be run
- Review the team formation process: forming, storming, norming and performing
- Lead a team building activity
- Explore two forms of motivation and when they can be effective
- Take action to prevent conflict and to resolve conflicts should they develop
- Know how to run an effective meeting
- Establish the importance of a team charter and how to write one
This e-learning course is designed for all leadership roles in a company and will help anyone who wants to improve their ability to manage a team.