Leadership Styles and Qualities

Course Overview
Can you choose and use a leadership style that works for your team in different situations' Do you know what qualities people expect from a leader? Do you have a clear idea of your leadership qualities' Do you know how to strengthen your development areas'
Explore what makes a good leader in this eLearning course and use the accompanying eBook or workbook to create your own leadership development plan.
Key Learning Points:
- Learn how to strengthen your leadership skills
- Uncover different types of leadership styles that can help your team
- Gain some leadership tips that would help in creating your own development plan
Course Outcomes:
- Understand the different facets of being a leader: leadership, management and facilitator.
- Choose a leadership style and match it to the team and situation
- Understand the different qualities expected in a leader: 15 are explored in detail
- Assess your development needs and identify how to bridge development gaps
Target Audience
Team Leaders and Managers