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Domestic Abuse Awareness

Course Overview

This domestic violence and abuse e-learning course has been designed to help you to understand the subject and to support people you are working with who have experienced or are experiencing domestic violence and/or abuse. 

The course will equip learners with the tools to be able to recognise abuse, instigate and work within recommended processes and to understand the legislative and organisational frameworks that relate to their working environment. 

Course Aims

The training is intended to ensure that:

  1. There is consistency in the interests of all concerned.
  2. Practitioner's skills and knowledge of the safeguarding processes relating to domestic violence and abuse are increased.
  3. Learners understand that the organisation has a duty to ensure that it is meeting its obligations to protect people who are victims of domestic violence and/or abuse.
  4. To provide the building blocks of knowledge which equip and underpin the working practices of all those involved in supporting people who have experienced or are experiencing domestic violence and/or abuse. Safeguarding is everyone's business and all staff groups involved in safeguarding must be able to recognise the signs of domestic abuse and know how to work effectively.
  5. To gain a clear understanding of how to identify and report potential abuse and be able to recognise those that are at risk of domestic violence and abuse. This course has been  developed specifically for frontline support and housing staff to increase the practitioner's skills and knowledge of the safeguarding processes relating to those experiencing domestic violence and/or abuse.

Course Outcomes

By the end of this e-learning module, you will have an understanding of the following learning outcomes:

  • Understand the context of domestic abuse within the support and housing sectors
  • Gain a greater understanding of who is affected by domestic violence and abuse
  • Understand the nature and process of domestic violence and abuse
  • Identified potential barriers to reporting abuse in relation to the victim, staff and others
  • Explored key legislation and policy relating to domestic violence and abuse and how these impact on your work
  • Examined your own roles and responsibilities in identifying and reporting potential abuse as well as the roles and responsibilities of your partner agencies
  • Feel confident in completing risk assessments and safety plans
  • To have explored practical examples of interventions to support you to promote the safety and wellbeing of clients/customers
  • Gain a greater awareness about female genital mutilation and honour based abuse (including forced marriage).