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The Care Act 2014 - Full Training Suite


2014's Care Act legislation saw a number of previous laws replaced with one, clearer, more comprehensive act.

Comprising of 12 modules, it can be a daunting subject to learn about - that's why we've developed a series of e-learning modules to break it down and make it easier to consume.

Based upon Skills for Care training materials, this 12 module suite covers all elements of Care Act phase 1. Modules that are covered in this course are:

  • Introduction and Overview
  • Information and Advice
  • Assessment and Eligibility
  • Independent Advocacy
  • Charging and Financial Assessment
  • Deferred Payments
  • Care and Support Planning
  • Personal Budgets
  • Direct Payments
  • Review of Care and Support Plans
  • Transition to Adulthood
  • Integration, Cooperation and Partnerships


This course is intended for:

  • Adult social care as well as wider elements of local authorities such as children's services, housing and public health
  • Health and other local authority partner organisations such as learning and education providers
  • Social care provider and support organisations in all sectors
  • Those involved in the governance of these organisations and people who work, care, support and volunteer in them
  • Professionals and practitioners


Once you've completed this course, you'll have a knowledge of:

  • Why the Act has been introduced and the key changes
  • A local authority's duties, in relation to information and advice
  • What an assessment should include and who is eligible for care and support
  • The roles of, and who can be an 'appropriate individual'
  • What to consider when undertaking a financial assessment and learn about the implications of the Act for self-funders
  • How people can pay for their care and know the eligibility criteria for deferred payments
  • The key features and standards of person-centred planning, and the planning and review process
  • How the personal budget is calculated
  • Administering, monitoring, reviewing and discontinuing direct payments
  • Reviewing the care and support plan, or support plan
  • Who should have a transition assessment and what makes for effective transition


  • Care Act ? Assessment and Eligibility
  • Care Act ? Care and Support Planning
  • Care Act ? Charging and Financial Assessment
  • Care Act ? Deferred Payments
  • Care Act ? Direct Payments
  • Care Act ? Independent Advocacy
  • Care Act ? Information and Advice
  • Care Act ? Integration, Cooperation and Partnerships
  • Care Act ? Introduction and Overview
  • Care Act ? Personal Budgets
  • Care Act ? Review of Care and Support Plans
  • Care Act ? Transition to Adulthood