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The Care Act - Assessment and Eligibility


The assessment and eligibility process is one of the most important elements of the care and support system. The assessment is the key interaction between the local authority and an individual. It should not just be seen as a gateway to care and support, but should be a critical intervention in its own right, which can help people to understand their situation and access support when they require it.


This course is intended for:

  • People employed in assessment roles, or who are responsible for determining eligibility
  • Anyone in a provider organisation who makes admission or service acceptance decisions
  • Managers of all of the above types of roles

    About this course

    This course forms part of the suite of e-learning courses that have been developed to support the implementation of part one of the Care Act 2014. It is based upon the Skills for Care training materials.

    Upon successful completion of both modules you will be automatically awarded a certificate containing the course name, completion date, CPD hours and learning objectives.

    The course contains additional resource materials, useful links and refresher guides.


    In this course you will learn about:

  • Appropriate and proportionate assessments
  • Preventing needs
  • Taking a holistic, strengths-based approach
  • Supporting a person’s involvement
  • Roles, responsibilities and expertise
  • National eligibility framework
  • National carers’ eligibility framework


    Here are some of the topics covered in this course:

    Who is entitled to assessment? | Assessment focus | The Local Authority Perspective | First contact; Assessment by phone | Remaining independent | The assessor | Wishes | Historical needs | Advocacy | Needs of the wider family | What should an assessment consider? | The ‘wellbeing’ principle | Recording needs | Specified outcomes | National minimum eligibility threshold | When to determine eligibility | Eligible for care and support | Record keeping | Refusing an assessment | Financial assessment | Paying for care and support | Supported self-assessment | Separate assessments? | Legal obligation | Is Mary a carer? | Who does not classify as a carer | Do you provide or intend to provide are? | Are you are carer? | Prevention and delay | Who is entitled to an assessment? | Young carer | The ‘child’s needs assessment | The ‘young carer’s assessment | Adults caring for disabled children | Combined assessments | Information and advice | Wellbeing, prevention and information and advice | Who is the focus? | Wellbeing principle | Sustainability of the caring role | Gateway to services? | Aspirations | Outcomes and needs | Pausing the assessment | Eligible needs | National carers’ eligibility threshold | Carers specified outcomes | Support planning