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AntiBribery and Corruption


Anti-bribery laws mean that every member of your organisation must grasp the intricacies of bribery and its potential consequences. Our Anti-Bribery course is your compass to navigate this crucial landscape.

You might think you’re well-acquainted with bribery, but what if the line isn’t so clear? Is expediting a business process with money a bribe? Are contracts awarded solely to the highest contributor legitimate? And what about giving gifts in international dealings - is it cultural or corrupt? Our Anti-bribery course untangles these complexities for your workforce, ensuring they can navigate this evolving legal terrain with confidence.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define the difference between bribery and corruption
  • Explain key anti-bribery legislation
  • Identify bribery attempts
  • Summarise the implications associated with bribery