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Treating Customers Fairly


Compliance training helps to ensure that employees are adhering to the regulations and laws required of them and that their actions do not put the organisation they are representing in a difficult or even illegal position.

The fair treatment of customers is required by any firm that is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). It also makes good business sense to be fair to the people you serve. This Treating Customers Fairly e-learning course focuses on ensuring awareness, understanding and compliance of the six core consumer outcomes expected from the FCA.

The e-learning aligns with FCA guidelines and demonstrates the importance of being transparent when dealing with customers, not misleading them in order to make a sale and ensuring they have all the information they require to make an informed choice.

Outline Learning Objectives:

  • Understand what constitutes fair treatment of customers
  • Help ensure personal compliance for treating customers fairly
  • Appreciate the six consumer outcomes as set down by the Financial Conduct Authority
  • Understand your obligations as a manager/employee and know how to effectively ensure fair treatment of customers
  • Improve general compliance within your organisation
  • Help to develop a compliance culture within your organisation
  • Help your company avoid potentially costly litigation and fines


This training topic is at the heart of the Financial Conduct Authority’s objectives and so is of critical importance. It’s also practical learning for those people who want to create a culture of treating customers fairly and do the right thing.