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Payment Card Information Data Security Standards (PCI DSS)


Any business that wants to accept payments by payment card must comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS). If they don’t, they could face fines or other sanctions. This can include a complete ban on taking payment by cards.

Learners will be taken through the full requirements for taking card payments, whether ‘in person’ or when ‘card not present’ and ensure they are fully aware of the threats to security that could occur.

This Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) e-learning course aims to raise awareness of this regulatory requirement for your employees and give them clear guidance on how to ensure they meet and maintain the standards required to accept card payments.


  • Fully understand the Payment Card Information Data Security Standards
  • Explore what companies must do to remain compliant
  • Review the dangers and threats related to taking payments
  • Examine several PCI DSS case studies to help embed learning
  • Understand how to handle ‘card not present’ transactions


This PCI DSS e-learning course is great awareness training and would, therefore, suit all employees within your organisation.