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Modern Slavery


There are victims of modern slavery and human trafficking across the UK and their plight often goes by unnoticed or with people simply not appreciating that this could be happening. There is no typical victim of slavery. Victims can be men, women and children of all ages, and cut across the population. But they are most often the most vulnerable in society.

The Modern Slavery Act came into force in 2015. Its aim is to combat slavery while consolidating existing laws. Learners will be provided with an understanding of the act and how they can ensure they comply with it.

This course aims to provide learners with an awareness of modern slavery and the extent of its prevalence in the UK. Learners will learn to recognise the signs that someone might be a victim and what they can do to help and support victims.

Also focusing on the Transparency in Supply Chains clause, with guidance given on how victims can be exploited within a supply chain.

Outline Learning Objectives:

  • Understand modern slavery and the impact it has on victims
  • Help ensure your organisation complies with the Modern Slavery Act and does not breach legislation
  • Appreciate the damage that modern slavery can cause to people
  • Understand your obligations and know how to effectively deal with modern slavery when you come across it
  • Improve general compliance within your organisation
  • Help to develop a compliance culture within your organisation
  • Help your company avoid potentially costly penalties


This e-learning course provides an understanding for all professionals. Even employees that may only rarely be in situations where they might come across modern slavery can benefit from a basic understanding of what to look for.