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Sexual Harassment (UK)

Course Overview

The EssentialSkillz Sexual Harassment Online Training Course is aimed at creating awareness about sexual harassment in the workplace Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination prohibited under the law but is still a major problem in the workplace.

Course Objectives

This training course covers the following:

  • Describes what sexual harassment is and everyone’s responsibilities to prevent it.
  • Outlines the appropriate ways to respond to sexual harassment
  • Discusses the complaint process for sexual harassment cases and victims’ rights

Course Content

It is defined as any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature that has the purpose or effect of:

  • violating a person’s dignity or
  • creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment

Even if a harasser did not intend to cause harm to a victim, it could still be a case of sexual harassment.

To help prevent sexual harassment, it is crucial that people:

  • are aware of how other people might perceive different types of behaviour
  • recognise behaviours that could be considered sexual harassment
  • know how to respond if they experience or witness sexual harassment
  • understand the importance of reporting and how to report a complaint

This course helps employees recognise sexual harassment through a range of scenario-based interactions. It also includes an interactive branching activity that explores how victims and bystanders can respond appropriately.