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A course outlining an organisation? whistleblowing procedures and how to raise genuine concerns in the correct manner. It explains the circumstances under which employees are protected as whistleblowers.

  • What is a whistleblower
  • Who is protected by law
  • Complaints that count as whistleblowing
  • What employers need to do to handle whistleblowing allegations

Course Overview

Whistleblowing Procedures

A course outlining an organisation? whistleblowing procedures and how to raise genuine concerns in the correct manner. It explains the circumstances under which employees are protected as whistleblowers.

  • What is a whistleblower
  • Who is protected by law
  • Complaints that count as whistleblowing
  • What employers need to do to handle whistleblowing allegations
Main Sections within the Whistleblowing Procedures Course:
Main Sections within the Whistleblowing Procedures Course:
Lesson 1 - Overview
  • It is important to raise concerns if keeping quiet could result in harm.
  • Harm includes health, safety and environment, as well as reputational or financial damage.
  • You should also raise concerns if you believe the law is being broken.
  • You are protected from reprisals and other negative consequences if you raise genuine concerns in the appropriate way.
Lesson 2 - Whistleblowing in action
  • You are protected from victimisation or other negative consequences if you follow internal procedures for raising concerns.
  • You should document your concerns so that you are clear about what evidence you have.
  • You can obtain confidential advice from helplines and charities but you must not talk to the press (if you want to remain protected).
  • Your organisation policy should explain which external organisations to report to if you are not happy with the response from the organisation.
Lesson 3 - What would you do?
  • Whilst it is difficult to give precise rules about when to report, your internal whistleblowing or raising concerns policy will give you guidance.
  • You must follow the reporting process outlined, or have a good reason to go outside of it.
  • In most cases, your concerns can be dealt with internally, as someone else in your organisation cares as much as you do.

Target Audience

Anyone who needs to understand their rights and responsibilities when raising concerns in the workplace. This includes:

Course Objectives:

  • Any employees such as a police officers, NHS employees, office workers, factory workers
  • Trainees, such as a student nurse
  • Agency workers
  • Member of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)