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Modern Slavery


Slavery is not an issue confined to history or to developing countries.

Modern Day Slavery is an unacceptable crime that exploits men, women and children, blighting all levels of British life. There has been an increase in the numbers of reported cases of slavery, captivity and human trafficking in Britain in recent years.

According to Frank Field MP, Chair of the Modern Slavery Evidence Review, "Modern slavery is alive and well in Britain, and needs to be stopped."

This EssentialSkillz Modern Day Slavery eLearning Course, defines Modern Day Slavery, provides clear examples of the different types of slavery and discusses how your business can prevent this crime occurring. Additionally, it highlights how to spot potential signs of slavery in your workplace and supply chain and what procedures should be taken.

Course Overview

What is Modern Day Slavery?

Slavery is a term most people associate with events in history such as when Africans were forcibly taken across the Atlantic to work on plantations. You might think it ended when it was abolished by most countries in the 19th century. But today, millions of men, women and children around the world are forced to work as slaves.

Do you think that slavery doesn? happen where you live or work? It might be and you could encounter a victim of slavery without realising it. Slaves are working in restaurants, nail bars, car washes and as domestic help, and can be invisible to those who think "slavery doesn? happen where I work and live".

Modern slavery can affect anyone, in any part of the world. Our organisation is committed to preventing, uncovering and reporting modern slavery that might be occurring in our activities.

To play your part in fighting modern slavery, it is important you know what to look out for and what to do if slavery is suspected.

Recent uncoverings of slavery in the supply chains of UK organisations (eg shrimp in supermarkets traced back to suppliers using forced labour in Thailand) have highlighted the need for transparency in supply chains.

A complex supply chain spread over different countries and with various suppliers contributing to the final product or service can make it difficult to detect slavery beyond the first tier of suppliers.

However, the provision in the Modern Slavery Act for transparency in supply chains makes it clear that it is not acceptable for an organisation to say that 'hey did not know' or to ignore the issue because it is too complex or difficult to uncover.

Main Sections within the course:

  • Overview
  • Recognise
  • Supply chains
  • Test

Target Audience

This course is ideal for all employees at all levels and in all types of business organisations. Larger organisations will benefit from the information on supply chains and the need for good and fair business practices.

Course Objectives:

  • To describe what modern slavery is.
  • To highlight who is most affected.
  • To provide examples of modern slavery.
  • To highlight the role of business in preventing modern slavery.
  • To discuss the signs of slavery and what you should do if you spot them.