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Anti Bribery


The EssentialSkillz Anti-Bribery and Corruption eLearning course helps organisations to comply with the UK Bribery Act 2010. The Act consolidates existing law on bribery and corruption, enabling prosecutors and courts to deal with acts of bribery more effectively. This online course explains the standards expected when carrying out business affairs in relation to bribery and corruption.

Course Overview

The UK Bribery Act 2010 is an important piece of legislation, designed to actively discourage bribery and corruption practices. The Act outlines six core principles which provide detailed regulations in relation to ethical standards, including hospitality and the giving and receiving of gifts. It defines clear responsibilities, holding government officials, private organisations and individuals to account for acts of bribery and corruption.

The EssentialSkillz Anti-bribery and Corruption eLearning course supports organisations to comply with Act and provide clear guidelines to employees on what practices are considered to be reasonably improper and corrupt. The course discusses the key concepts within the Act including active and passive bribery, and reasonable and proportionate hospitality and promotional expenditure.

The online course has been designed to highlight the importance of maintaining the organisation? reputation. It demonstrates how to conduct business in legal and ethical ways and explains how employees are expected to comply with the regulations, including the protection of the organisation? assets and how to deal with private interests.

A core section of the course highlights the Act? requirements to report any knowledge or suspicion of illegal activity. The course sets out the correct reporting and escalation procedures, including the protection of employees who have raised concerns.

The course provides an effective way for organisations to demonstrate that they have appropriate anti-bribery procedures and policies in place. Completing the course will give organisations comfort that they are addressing the six principles outlined within the Act.

Main Sections within the course:

  • Overview
  • Code of conduct
  • Gifts and Hospitality
  • Reporting Procedures
  • Final test

Target Audience

The course content is suitable for all employees, directors, agents, consultants, contractors and others associated with the organisation.

Course Objectives:

  • To highlight how the Act affects you and the work you do.
  • To articulate the standards of behaviour the organisation expects.
  • To detail the organisation? policy in relation to giving and receiving gifts and hospitality.
  • To outline the organisation? reporting procedures with regard to issues of non compliance with the Act and organisation policy and procedures.