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Environmental Awareness


The EssentialSkillz Environmental Awareness eLearning Course highlights practical actions that your employees can take to use resources more efficiently. The online course explains the importance of reducing the amount of energy and water used and the amount of waste produced in the workplace.

Course Overview

We all know that resources around the globe are becoming more scarce and that some methods for extracting those resources are damaging the planet. As demand increases and prices rise, organisations around the world are exploring how they can create a working environment that uses resources more efficiently, and that produces less waste.

The EssentialSkillz Environmental Awareness eLearning course is an important first step. It introduces the key concepts and definitions to your workforce. It highlights how individual actions that seem small can, collectively, have a significant impact on your resource usage. Examples include the implementation of a waste hierarchy - which can lead to real savings in the resources consumed and the amount of waste produced - along with recycling cans, glass and food waste and reducing the amount of paper.

The online course explains the importance of creating a baseline of the direct and indirect costs associated with water and energy use and waste production, particularly as a way to build your understanding, measure progress and communicate success.

Main Sections within the course:

  • Overview
  • Environmental Issues
  • Personal Measures
  • Test

Target Audience

As the future of our environment is everyone? responsibility, this course is perfect for all staff within an organisation.

Course Objectives:

  • To explain what resource efficiency is.
  • To highlight the environmental and business benefits of resource efficiency practices.
  • To outline the role of the individual in relation to resource efficiency.