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The Business Case For Sustainability


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The further we get into the 21st Century, the more apparent it becomes that we’re reaching a crucial turning point. The need for a better and more conscientious focus on sustainability is a global issue, and many businesses can do their part to help protect the environment.

For understandable reasons, there has been significant pushback to this in the business world. Many business owners speculate that the rewards of introducing more sustainable methods to their business would not be worth the overall cost.

And while this is an understandable position, it might not be accurate. There is a strong business case for sustainability based on various factors. 

In this track, let's take a look at the business case for sustainability.

Learning Objectives

  • Examine why businesses should introduce sustainable practices.
  • Establish the impact sustainable practices could have on a business's employees and customers.
  • Identify how sustainability can encourage innovation.

Target Audience

Employees, leaders, and business owners deciding how to approach sustainability.