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This telesales e-learning course provides, practical, useful advice that can be applied immediately to a range of business development scenarios. Using memorable and interesting techniques, the course will ensure learners take away all the knowledge and skills required to make a success of inbound or outbound telesales calls.

The e-learning offers a structured approach to handling telesales calls. A clear method of guiding calls passed the gatekeeper will ensure learners are in a position to assess the needs of the decision maker, gauging their buying interest and using positive questioning and conversational techniques to help highlight the benefits your product or service give the customer. Once the need is established, learners have all the tools required to manage any objections and close the sale.

Outline Learning Objectives:

  • Become more successful at helping people buy over the phone
  • Understand the guiding principles of sales
  • Be able to explain the motivation behind people’s buying decisions
  • Effectively structure and plan for calls
  • Develop an effective approach to approaching, establishing, building and securing a sale


This telesales course is aimed at anyone that is involved in making outbound sales course as part of their role