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Building Your Confidence in Sales


Welcome to Audio Learning from Assemble You.

Confidence is crucial in the competitive field of sales. This lesson will explore various aspects of confidence and how to cultivate it in your sales approach. After listening, you'll understand the different ways of conveying confidence and learn how to leverage it to your advantage.

We'll explore techniques for maintaining an energised presence, exhibiting generosity in networking, building strong relationships, and practising authenticity. We'll discuss embracing failure. You’ll discover the value of asking for assistance and dealing with rejection.

By delving into these topics, you'll develop the necessary skills and mindset to project confidence and succeed. Let's unlock your sales potential.

Learning Objectives

  • Establish how to build confidence in a sales environment. 
  • Identify where your confidence comes from and how to sell yourself.
  • Examine different approaches to networking and building relationships.

Target Audience

Salespeople who wish to become more confident in sales.