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So you need to deliver positive feedback


This course will show you how to deliver feedback effectively so that it leads to positive and lasting change.

Learning Objectives

Many people don't give encouraging feedback regularly. Data shows that 72% of employees get praise less than once a week. And, when the feedback IS delivered, it is often done so ineffectively due to a misunderstanding about what to encourage in people and how to do it.

This course will teach you some key principles to giving specific and encouraging feedback to motivate your team.

Why should I take this course

Almost two out of three employees, on average, feel like they don't receive enough recognition at work. It's no wonder that so many people's morale is running low, leading to poor performance and dissatisfaction.

This course will show you how to deliver positive feedback and increase morale, resulting in high-performing and loyal team members.


This module is for CEOs, managers, mentors, and co-workers who want to improve their ability to give positive and encouraging feedback to colleagues, team members, and peers.