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Managing Conflict: Conflict Management Essentials

Course Overview

Our Conflict Management Essentials module shows you the different types of conflict, how conflict arises, and provides simple strategies for resolving it.

Course Objectives

After taking this module, and with a little practice, you'll be able to:

  • Understand what conflict is and how it manifests itself
  • Draw up some simple strategies for resolving routine conflicts
  • Set up your own five step process for conflict resolution

When you’ve finished here, you’ll not only have a solid understanding of conflict, but you’ll also have some proven ways of dealing with it effectively in your own situation!

Course Outline

  • What You Will Learn
  • Your Objectives
  • What is Conflict?
  • Simple Strategies for Routine Conflicts
  • 5 Steps to Conflict Resolution 
  • Key Takeaways
  • Answers to Exercises
  • Module Test
  • [NOTE: An interactive ZandaX workbook with Personal Action Plan is provided to support and enhance your learning and further development]

Target Audience:

Anyone who wants to gain an understanding of conflict and how it arises, along with ways of dealing with it.

There are no prior requirements, and even if you don't manage a team, you may find it useful to see how conflicts arise and can be dealt in non-work areas of your life.