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How to Get the Best From Introverts and Extroverts


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Swiss psychologist Carl Jung introduced the concept of introversion and extraversion in 1921. His theory supposes that no one is 100% one or the other. Instead, we all possess traits from both ends of the spectrum while tending to lean one way or the other.

In this track, we look at what the main differences are between introverts and extroverts. We then move on to a number of tips and tricks you can deploy to help you support introverts and extroverts in your team. 

Learning Objectives

  • Learn to distinguish the main differences between introverts and extroverts
  • Learn to identify actionable techniques to support individuals on either end of the spectrum

Target Audience

A manager or leader who is looking to maximise the potential of their diverse team members, as well as people who are looking to better understand how to work alongside people whose nature is different to their own.