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What is Change Management?


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On average, organisations today have gone through five major firmwide changes in the past three years—and nearly 75% expect to increase the types of major change initiatives they will undertake in the next three years.

But about half of change initiatives fail, whereas only 34% report clear success. 

In this track, we flesh out what ‘change management’ actually is, by looking at some of the most famous methodologies. We also give you tips to be part of the 34% who are successful in their change initiatives.

Learning Objectives

  • The first objective of this lesson is to develop a clear understanding of what change management actually is. 
  • The second objective will focus on how to guide a team through a change management process.
  • The third objective is understanding how you deal with change in your own job or sphere of influence.

Target Audience

Anyone in the workplace who is either looking to enact change or is experiencing change.