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Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures


Managing poor conduct or below-par job performance can be a difficult task, but it is a necessary one. Without it, your workplace is unlikely to operate efficiently and your employees will become disengaged.

Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures are an important step towards achieving acceptable standards of performance and behaviour across your organisation. It is important to communicate to employees standards expected and the steps that will be taken if these expectations are not met. The course shows the different stages within a disciplinary procedure, information about what constitutes gross misconduct and grounds for dismissal, and any rights of your workforce, both for representation and to raise an appeal if action was taken.

An effective Grievance Procedure sets out how employees can raise any concerns, problems or complaints in the workplace ? including their work or workload, working conditions or relationships with colleagues - and how those concerns will be dealt with. Crucially, employees must know that their concerns will be dealt with fairly and consistently.

The EssentialSkillz Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures eLearning course will help you to communicate your specific expectations around performance and conduct to your workforce. The online course highlights the importance of meeting organisational standards, outlines the stages involved in your disciplinary procedures and explains the range of actions that can be taken under the terms of the policy. It also communicates an organisation's policy, setting out what steps an employee should take to raise a concern.

Main Sections within the course:

  • Disciplinary process
  • Grievance Procedure
  • Test

Course Objectives:

Lesson 1 - Procedure Summary screen:

  • Disciplinary and grievance procedures help provide a structure for dealing with difficulties that arise in the workplace.
  • Carrying out disciplinary action is not just to correct an employee who does not do what is expected but rather is used to help achieve a better and more efficient workplace.
  • Employers and employees must behave in a fair and reasonable manner when dealing with disciplinary and grievance issues.

Lesson 2 - Disciplinary procedures Summary screen:

  • Generally, steps in the disciplinary procedure are progressive.
  • The organisation may omit early steps in the procedure should the misconduct be serious enough to justify it.
  • You have the right to be accompanied at a disciplinary meeting and to appeal the decision.

Lesson 3 - Grievance procedures Summary screen:

  • You should raise grievances promptly and try to sort them out informally in the first instance.
  • If you are unable to sort out a problem informally, you should raise the matter formally.
  • It is helpful if you make suggestions as to how you would like a grievance to be solved.
  • You have the right to appeal formal decisions.
  • If you are unsatisfied with a decision following formal procedures, you can make a claim to an employment tribunal.

Target Audience

This course is an ideal introduction for all employees and managers needing to understand correct disciplinary procedures.