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Equality and Diversity


We live in a diverse, multicultural, multigenerational, global society and it is only set to become even more so in the future. A successful organisation is one that mirrors this society, employing those with the right skills, ensuring that there is no discrimination and providing equality of opportunity for the workforce. These responsibilities are captured in the Equality Act 2010, the primary legislation that protects people from discrimination both in the workplace and in wider society.

The EssentialSkillz Equality and Diversity eLearning course explains what equality and diversity means, both in legal terms and within your organisation, and describes specific responsibilities for you and your employees. The online course also explores the different protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, and sex and sexual orientation.

Part of your responsibilities as an employer is to implement an Equality and Diversity Policy, and the course can help you to communicate the principles of this policy to your employees, as well as demonstrate what is reasonable and acceptable behaviour and what is not. An important element of the online learning is to highlight what your employees should do if they feel discriminated against, or if they witness others being victimised.

Main Sections within the course:

  • Overview
  • Types of Discrimination
  • Workplace discrimination
  • eporting a concern
  • Test

Course Objectives:

Lesson 1 - Overview Summary:

  • The Equality Act protects people from discrimination on the basis of 9 protected characteristics.
  • Equality and diversity in the workplace help us to appreciate the benefits different people can bring, to facilitate a positive working environment, and to support all individuals to reach their potential.
  • Diversity goes further than equality in recognising and valuing differences other than protected characteristics

Lesson 2 - Types of discrimination Summary:

  • It is prohibited by law to discriminate against a person based on any of the protected characteristics.
  • There are four types of discrimination ? direct, indirect, harassment and victimisation.
  • Harassment is related to protected characteristics and is covered by the Equality Act.
  • Bullying is not protected by the Equality Act and is dealt with under disciplinary and grievance procedures.
  • Firm management delivered in a reasonable manner is not considered to be a form of discrimination, harassment or bullying.

Lesson 3 - Workplace discrimination Summary:

  • The Equality Act protects job applicants and employees from discrimination during recruitment and in the workplace.
  • In limited circumstances, indirect discrimination may be lawful if it can be justified ? known as 'objective justification'.
  • Employers can take 'positive action' to help people with a protected characteristic who are disadvantaged or underrepresented in employment.
  • Unconscious bias is where someone is not aware that they discriminate against people.

Lesson 4 - Reporting a concern Summary:

  • You have a responsibility to report incidences of discrimination or bullying, including those you have witnessed or are aware of to the appropriate person.
  • The complaints procedure involves an informal and formal approach.
  • In the case of a formal complaint, disciplinary procedures will be initiated.
  • You are protected from victimisation if you make a complaint in good faith.

Target Audience

This Equality and Diversity eLearning course is perfect for all employees and managers who value equality and diversity and have responsibility for adhering to the Equality Act 2010.