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So you need to report sexual harassment to your manager


Too often, important conversations about sexual harassment don't happen due to unseen barriers. These barriers emerge in the form of fear or discomfort on the part of the individual, miscommunication during the conversation, or a lack of closure or ineffective follow-up.

This course provides a comprehensive guide on handling conversations about sexual harassment in the workplace, focusing on overcoming common barriers that prevent these important conversations from happening.

By the end of this course, you'll be equipped to initiate and engage in these crucial discussions, promoting a safer, more respectful work environment.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this micromodule, you'll understand:

  • How to identify barriers to difficult conversations
  • The consequences of miscommunication
  • How to prepare for a difficult conversation
  • How to communicate effectively during a difficult conversation
  • The consequences of a lack of closure
  • How to follow up after a conversation

Why should I take this course

This course will equip you to initiate and engage in crucial discussions with managers or superiors, promoting a safer, more respectful work environment.


This module is designed for any employee who may need to have a difficult discussion with a manager or superior, and aims to achieve a successful outcome.