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Unconscious Bias - Clearing the Fog


Like an iceberg, nearly all of our brain activity happens unconsciously, under the surface. It helps us navigate the complexities of the world with splitsecond decisions and cognitive shortcuts. But sometimes these shortcuts also lead to obscured views of others and ‘unconscious biases’.

In this course, we'll uncover different types of unconscious biases, see how they impact individuals and workplaces, and discover strategies to mitigate these impacts.

So that we can all move through the fog together and find a clear path forward to a fairer, more inclusive future.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the Clearing the Fog of Unconscious Bias course, learners will have a solid foundation related to unconscious bias. This includes information about:

  • Common unconscious biases
  • Their impacts in the workplace
  • Strategies for individuals and organisations for overcoming our biases

Why should I take this course

In the workplace, everyone has a right to feel safe, be respected, and be treated fairly. Becoming aware of, and overcoming, unconscious biases in the workplace goes a long way towards creating a diverse and inclusive environment where all (including the organisation) can thrive. This course equips individuals, teams, and organisational leaders with the necessary practical strategies to put them on the path towards creating this kind of workplace.


This module is perfectly suited for all new hires, all employees, as well as HR, managers, and any organisational leaders who want to know more about and learn how to mitigate unconscious bias in the workplace.