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So you want a more inclusive hiring process


All potential candidates deserve an equal opportunity to showcase their skills, experience, and suitability for a job position.

Unfortunately, the hiring process is often unfairly influenced by subjectivity and personal biases that influence our judgements and perceptions. Job descriptions which are not inclusive also exclude many potential, which means organisations miss out on some of the best talent.

Join us as we explore strategies, tips, and tools for making our recruitment more inclusive.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this short course, learners will be able to:

  • Reflect on their own hiring practises
  • Employ effective strategies mitigate biases and make their recruitment process more inclusive
  • Look at three key areas where these improvements can be made: job descriptions, using technology in the hiring process, and alternatives to the traditional job interview

Why should I take this course

In the workplace, everyone has a right to feel safe, be respected, and be treated fairly, and this extends to potential job candidates. Becoming aware of how our biases can affect these candidates' job prospects and exclude a lot of potential talent is an important first step. Then, applying strategies to mitigate this and make our recruitment practices more inclusive will go a long way towards creating a diverse and inclusive environment where all can shine. This short course equips hiring managers, HR staff, and organisational leaders with the necessary practical strategies to make the hiring process more inclusive.


This module is perfectly suited for all HR professionals, managers, and any organisational leaders who want to know more about, and learn how to mitigate, unconscious bias in the recruitment and hiring process.