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Courageous Conversations About Race

Course Overview

Courage is the ability and willingness to act in spite of fear. Many of us avoid talking about bias, racism, and white privilege because we are afraid. We are afraid of not knowing what to say; afraid of being judged, or afraid of the change these conversations may produce. To have a courageous conversation about race is to engage in necessary dialogue despite fear.

Authentic conversations are the first step toward personal awakening and creating an environment where meaningful change can occur. Fear and anger are common examples of emotional feedback that can arise when faced with unfamiliar or uncomfortable topics. Finding the courage to acknowledge those emotions is the first step. Engaging in open, constructive dialogue with people who may not share your views nor your life experiences is the way forward.

Learning Objectives

  • How to prepare for a courageous conversation?
  • What are the practical tips for conducting a courageous conversation?
  • How to address conflict if it arises during the courageous conversation?